After a very successful initial programme we were overwhelmed with interest and will be holding another series in the Autumn. We will advertise the dates on this web site as soon as they are fixed. However we already have a large number of friends already requesting tickets so numbers will be limited. Due to this interest we will also run the series again next January. Again the dates will be advertised as soon as possible.
The lectures cover the entire history with hundreds of photos, movie clips shown in a Powerpoint presentation by Aldon Ferguson, the Founder of the Association. Combined they cover the story over the three week period. The presentation has been split this way due to the complex and fascinating story that unfolds as we dig into the activities undertaken on base and the impact on WWII, the Cold War and also the local community. This covers the RAF occupation in addition to the USAAF, USAF and US Army times there. Whilst the story revolves around aircraft and military activities, Burtonwood has shaped the lives of the thousands of locals who worked there supporting the Americans and we look at this impact, GI Brides and the boost to the local economy.